Books we need for 2024


The Books Area is overflowing, and as a result, no book donations will be accepted past Wednesday, November 27 at 4 PM.

The wonderful community response means we can give more books to our shoppers this year, but we don't have room to store any more books. 

Beth, in our Books Area, offers the following suggestions if you still have books to donate:

  1. If you are part of an organization/group with a book drive and can't meet the Wednesday, November 27 cut-off date, please contact Beth at

  2. If you still have books to donate, here are some suggestions:

  • In January, we will be glad to meet you at the MCCS so you can drop them off.  By then, we will begin restocking for next year!  Contact Beth at next year when you are ready. 

  • If you want to donate books now, many local groups take them, including MCEAP in Christiansburg, two Goodwills (Blacksburg and Christiansburg), and the YMCA Thrift Store in Blacksburg (among many others). Often, churches need children's books. At this time of year, I suggest you call first because some places may have greater needs than others, some may not accept certain types of books, and so on. 

  • We in the Books Area are grateful for your record number of donations, knowing that you have helped many families to have books under their Christmas tree.  

Therese Walters2 Comments